What is Hivetalk?
Browser based Real-time video calls. Nostr + Lightning enabled.
HiveTalk FAQ
Q: How is HiveTalk different from Zoom or Jitsi?
- A: Hivetalk is a Nostr + Lightning friendly application with similar features to both Zoom and Jitsi. However, you do not need to be a Nostr or Lightning user to benefit from Hivetalk, you can also join as an anon or just type your name or use your gravatar email address to use the basic video conferencing and chat features. Nostr + Lightning features (such as zap, avatar, njump link on nostr chat avatar) are enabled only for those who have logged in with these credentials. Currently we support Nostr login only through the Nostr-login app, and you can type your lightning address into the username box on login if you want to sign with a lightning address only.
Q: How to use lobby?
- A: To enable lobby function as a mod you must click "Toggle the Settings" then click on the "Room" category. In order to toggle on "Lobby" a blue toggle button will indicate that its enabled. The user experience will be as follows: Click on room link -> sign in -> pass through permissions for camera & mic -> a message will appear with the text "Room has lobby enabled, asking to join meeting" at the same time the user sees this, the admin of the room gets a pop up of lobby users to accept or deny entry.
Q: How does the current moderator setup work?
- A: The current moderation setup works as follows: once you create a room you are the sole mod, cant share or transfer ownership of room. As mod you have extensive customization of the room, some examples are being able to have everyone join muted, everyone join hidden (no camera), everyone cant unmute themselves, everyone cant share screen, disconnect all upon leaving room, toggle on broadcast which puts mod on stage and users in the audience with the choice of bringing up users to the stage if they request it, toggle on Lobby which allows you to vet incoming users, and even Lock Room which allows you to password protect your room. These are a couple examples but there is much more.
Q: Why are random people allowed to join?
- A: Random people are only allowed to join public rooms. If you'd like a private room, you have two options first one is "Lock Room" - you can access this by clicking on "Toggle the Settings" then click on "Room" and then "Lock Room". This feature allows you to password protect your room. Second option is "Lobby"/ It is the fifth function top down on the "Room" settings, this feature allows you to view the name of the users in your room lobby, allowing you to accept or deny their entry into the room.
Q: How to disable whiteboard?
- A: To disable whiteboard you must first open up whiteboard as mod of the room and on the upper left side right next to the X close button you'll see the button to toggle which if you hoover over text will appear saying "If enabled, participants cannot interact"
Q: How to stream movies?
- A: To stream movies you have two options, one is to stream it using the "Media" function which you can find inside room settings in its own category "Media" with the button "Share a video or audio" this allows you to paste a video or audio URL. From my experience these URLs cannot be paywalled or have external ads, for example youtube links work because youtube isn't paywalled you can access most videos except age restricted ones without an account and the ads are streamed not external. Which is why streaming from a free streaming service with external ads (the pop up ones) does not work. If you have the movie or video downloaded on your device a solution that works is uploading it to a nostr.build account and pasting that link into media. But there's good news: the second option does allow you to stream from those sort of sites and any other, the feature is "Screen Sharing" you can go into room settings and into "Video" category and then Screen FPS to adjust between 5,15,30 or max FPS, and you turn it on by clicking the desktop icon on the left handside of your room menu.
Q: Why can't I change my mic permissions after I joined the room?
- A: The way hivetalk is designed, once you have entered a room, the mic and camera settings are preset in the browser and can't be changed during the session. If you want to reset mic or cam permissions, you will need to exit the room or refresh the page to rejoin the room.
Q: Why doesn't my zap show when I scan the invoice but don't connect wallet?
- A: Since we are using Bitcoin-connect from Alby, the only way that the Zap will be confirmed or shown is if your wallet is connected directly through the Bitcoin-connect widget. If you scan the invoice with another app and are not connected the widget will not know the invoice is paid. If you have questions about this widget, please visit bitcoin-connect.com
Q: Where to get more help?
- A: You can visit our Discord chat room for help anytime.